About Dr. Jessica
When I first became pregnant, I was completely unprepared for the extent to which becoming a mother would transform me.
I left my job as a senior researcher in a high-rise city building. I threw myself with all my heart and soul into the sacred work of mothering.
And I turned my research expertise and ferocious appetite for learning towards the problem that obsesses me: how to remake the world in the service of life, and those who caretake it – mothers.
Now I teach other wild women about physiological birth, natural parenting and conscious mothering. My Big Vision is to create a hub of evidence-based, soul-centred resources to support wild mothers (that’s you!) to birth and mother with joy, peace and purpose.
Most days, you can find me pottering around at home with my children Ned and Cedar and my beloved border collie Dug, gardening, crafting, reading, writing and thinking.
Read My Story

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The Wild Mother Podcast
The Wild Mother Podcast is for women who want to birth, mother and live with pleasure, purpose and power.
Join me, Dr. Jessica Hodgens, for evidence-based and soul-centred conversations with guest experts and real mamas just like you. The intelligence of Mother Nature is our guide as we dive deep into the subjects of physiologic birth, natural parenting, and conscious mothering.
Wanna hang with me on Insta?
I'll admit it, I'm an addict. See you over there, wild mama!